Source routing (SR) is a prominent alternative to table-based routing for reducing the number of network states. Actually the traditional SR approaches, based on Port Switching, still maintain a state in the packet by using a header rewrite operation. The residue number system (RNS) is a promising way to achieve fully stateless SR, in which forwarding decisions at core nodes rely on a simple modulo operation over a route label. Nevertheless, such operation over integer arithmetic is not natively supported by commodity network hardware. Thus, PolKA proposes a novel RNS-based SR scheme that explores binary polynomial arithmetic using Galois field (GF) of order 2.
- routeID: a route identifier calculated using the CRT.
- nodeID (Irreducible polynomial): to identify each core node.
- portID: to identify the ports of each core node.
Project Lead: Cristina Klippel Dominicini
Contact Email: cristina.dominicini [at]